I’m A Farmer

The Beer
A Pale Ale utilizing wet hops grown locally at River Hills Hops. Dry hopped with more locally grown hops from River Hills.
6.5% ABV
? IBU’s
The Ingredients
Malt: 2 Row
Hops: Wet Nugget, Nugget
Yeast: House Ale
The Story
Wet hops are hops that are picked and used directly in the brewing process, bypassing the drying process. The result is a flavor unique to the hop harvest season. This version of I’m A Farmer uses hops grown locally from River Hills Hops farm.
We are located at 79 S. Wilson Ave., Elizabethtown, PA 17022. We are across the street from the E-town train station. Join us for great beers, music and friends.
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